LTE: Research finds positive impacts of Medicaid expansion

Helena Independent Record

By saying “We’re unaware of any research concerning this essential question” regarding Medicaid expansion, Burnett and Nachman imply in a recent opinion that they have done their homework — but have they?

Do a Google search of the terms “study Medicaid expansion effectiveness.” Not only are there numerous positive impacts of expansion in Oregon, including that it “nearly eliminated catastrophic out-of-pocket medical expenditures,” you will also discover that researchers have found many positive outcomes following expansion in other states.

With respect to discrepancies in applications, the authors seem unaware that the enrollment process for Medicaid can be somewhat opaque. The authors don’t mention that in the last budget cycle the Republican majority legislature cut over $95 million funding for DPHHS, which includes Medicaid support.

The Republicans continue to starve critical public programs in the hopes of convincing you that government can’t do a good job. Throwing more mandates on participants and state support staff without commensurate resources is a calculated and cynical ploy.

Finally, Burnett and Nachman attempt to equate the recent vote on increasing the tobacco product tax with a voter rejection of Medicaid expansion. Perhaps they are unaware that Big Tobacco spent a whopping $17 million to defeat the measure.

John Boyd